WMV Video
WMA Audio
FLV Video
MP4 Video
WebM Video
MP3 Audio
WAV Audio
PDF document
ePub File
The other formats coming soon.

If you have installed the DRM-X 3.0 Protect Audio/Video and PDF Tool, you can easily encrypt your WMV files. Your protected WMV files can be securely downloaded or streaming online to Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices.

DRM-X supports protect MP4 video. The video codec can be H.264. Your protected MP4 files can be securely downloaded to Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

DRM-X 3.0 provides a fast and easy way to protect your WebM video format. You just need to install DRM-X 3.0 Protect Audio/Video and PDF Tool. Now DRM-X 3.0 supports playback WebM format in Windows and Android.

DRM-X 3.0 provides a fast and easy way to protect your important digital asset - MP3 audio. You just need to install DRM-X 3.0 Protect Audio/Video and PDF Tool.

You can easily protect your PDF document with DRM-X 3.0 Protect Audio/Video and PDF Tool. It's easy and secure.

Haihaisoft ePub Reader is a free ePub Reader for Windows and Android platform. It's also for reading ePub files protected by DRM-X 3.0 platform. Now it only supports IE browser in Windows platform.
Ask about Haihaisoft products, pricing, implementation, or anything else — our highly trained reps are standing by, ready to help.